Tuesday 30 July 2013

Reflection - Much Ado About Nothing

To be honest, i didn't understand what was going on in the book. I have no clue whatsoever, but because of the movie, everything was clear. I now have an idea how does a character look like or what he/she is actually saying. Although the dialog is the same, they way they said their lines with expressions and body language made it all clear. Yet i was a bit upset because Jon didn't show us some "stuff" in the movie. If you know what i mean...

Sunday 21 July 2013

First English Class

Please don't judge me because i'm new to this blog thing. This is my first time having my own personal blog. I don't know how this thing works, i don't know how to change my theme and now it looks so dull, i even had trouble logging in my own blog.

Anyway back to the title, i had my first english class last Friday. At first it was first we did a pointless thing where Jon asked us to form a line according to our height then according to our full name. It was all fun until Jon started talking about IGCSE like other teachers. sh*t just got real. 

I suck at making decisions, especially important ones. And now they're telling me to decide what am i going to do in the future. I'm only 15. I don't know what i want to do when i grow up, all i wanted to be was to become a football star playing in the BPL until reality a slap in da face. 

Anyhow, i learned the basics of summarizing. To be honest, i'm really bad at summarizing text/article/anything. I usually put unnecessary sentences and end up with nothing. Now i think i'll do better since i know the basics.
